Salmon, Sea Trout / Sewin & Wild Brown Trout Fishing, River Towy, Wales

Fishing Reports>>

Here you'll find the weather forecast and river heights at Dolau Hirion Bridge. Also news of any fish caught.
2015 Reports
2nd October
Robin from Abergwlili AA visited today and
caught a 2lb sewin along with a 5lb salmon.
Hope you had a good day Robin
22nd Sept
Ally's Brownie
Ally from Somerset visited recently and caught this lovely brown trout. Along with his fishing pal Harry they had a number of trout and sewin during their two day visit.

29th August
Visiting Angler Virgis Caught this 9lb Sewin and an 8lber as well!

25th August
Abundance of fish
Three sewin caught by Rob Salt, three yesterday to Vince Rees plus another three this morning best fish 5lb.
Mike Hill had two beauties (opposite) this evening 8lb and 5lb.
The torrential rain over the last few days means the river is high and peaty. More rain forecast for the next few days suggest good prospects.

July 15th
Two more sewin and a lot of trout
Two more sewin to 2lb came to the net last night. One more for Vince and a first of the season for Mike Hill. Numerous trout rising at dusk and a good night of fishing. The river is in perfect fly order
July 14th
Vince joins the party
The sewin appear to have arrived in numbers. Vince Rees reports a catch of four sewin up to 4.5lb after a three hour session on the river today. He saw numerous fish during his visit.
Annual pilgramage pays off
Tim Hanley visited the Towy this week and went home having caught three good sewin, 5lb, 4lb and 2.5lb. Well done Time see you next year.
7th July 2015
First Salmon caught
A 10lb salmon has been caught on the upper water near Dolahaurion bridge. This is the first of the season and hopefully not the last
4th June 2015
Chairman Opens his Account
Dr Salt, our angling supremo, has opened his 2015 record book with a 7lb sewin caught on a silver mepp.
The river was ideal for spinning earlier in the day bit is now ripe for the fly

20th May Mike Hill:
Fishermen's Friends. These guys were well impressed with my casting last night. Caught a couple of nice brownies. The river was dropping and clearing. Should be great for the fly over the next couple of days

19th May Vince Rees:
Great spinning water this morning. Landed 3 beautiful brownies and had a solid take from what felt like a decent size Sewin. River has slightly risen again but given no further rain it should be good for fly tomorrow morning.Hope this damn wind eases. It's playing hell with my Spey casting !

Lovely afternoon on the Lower Water 9th May
Mike Hill and Clive Davies had a good two hours on Saturday afternoon. Clive hooked a couple of good brown trout which he returned.
Weather was super water dropping and clearing. Should be perfect for the fly by tomorow or Monday.